
People, Horses, Hope

Through our history, horses have been helping us march into battle, transport heavy things and plow our fields. They’ve helped us run faster, jump higher and feel more powerful than we could on our own. Now people and horses are teaming up to help us become better version of ourselves. Come out to Summit Equestrian to see all the ways getting out to our barn and working with our horses can impact you. 


When we sit astride a horse, we use a lot of the same muscles we use when we walk. It’s a great way to strengthen our core while stretching and toning other muscles, while simultaneously improving fine motor skills and balance.


Horses know what we feel before we say a word. Working with horses can expose emotional patterns we didn't realize we had. Developing a healthy relationship with a horse in a judgment-free arena is a great way to strengthen human relationships.


Through riding and creating connection, our clients are able to learn how to focus more clearly.


Social skill building in the arena with horses makes an impact. When you learn the importance of respect, direction following, creative thinking or leadership from a horse, it sticks with you.

Give Hope

Your support helps keep our herd at its best! Thank you for helping us help our community.

Trail to Zero!

On September 16th our Cavalry joined veterans from BraveHeart's - an Equine Assisted Therapies organization from near Chicago - on a 20 mile ride through Fort Wayne to bring awareness to the crisis of veteran suicide.  Each day we as a nation lose an average of 20 veterans to suicide.  Our goal is to bring this to the streets and start a conversation.  

Together with local veteran support organizations we want to get the word out about local resources.

Help is out there, you are important.